Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pretty Litte Liars Episode Review!!

Yea, so I just watched the Pretty Little Liars HALLOWEEN Episode. Now, me.. I am OBSESSED with Halloween, but that episode scared the crap out of me!!! IT was the scariest episode ever!!! I will be sleeping with all my dogs, and with a light on RIGHT next to me!! But, I do have some feedback.
First of all, why would Ezra be on the train? If there was JUST a murder, they would just let the Medics and Police Officers on, not anyone else. So therefore, it has me to believe that he is part of the A team, and it was already ON BOARD!!
Second: That ghost little girl, scared the CRAP of out of me!! I don't like ghosts, they scare me more than anything in the world!! So, Every scene, I was like looking around the room making sure, no was randomly standing where they shouldn't be. But, I think she is either Alison's twin, or something that has to do with Ashley(Hanna's mom). But, the little girl did mention, Dolls, and Her sister lies a lot.. That describes Alli perfectly!
Third: Can we just give a Round of Applause to Lucy Hale on her performance tonight!! She did awesome trapped in that box. Her crying and Fear was real, you could really tell and feel how terrified she really was. But, Troian did amazing too, ESP during her "Attack scene"
But, that brings me to another thing, It was kind of weird timing that Paige would come and Rescue Spencer at that exact moment!! Ya know? And, they don't have the cleanest slate in the book. So , it makes me wonder, if Paige only saved Spencer because she wants her to believe that she is good, and she isn't part of the A team, when in truth, she is part of the A team.
And one last thing: The whole Byron and Allison thing!! I did NOT expect that all. Esp since, she was with Aria when they found him and Meredith kissing!! But, Maybe she got jealous, and wanted some action too. I am so Excited to see how Aria reacts to this news!! But, I don't think that Byron killed Alli though!! He does not seem like the type of person, but if he did I only have two reason of why he did. ONE: Alison was pregnant, and he didn't want to go to jail or have anything find out. TWO: Alison Threatened to tell Her aria and her friends(She threatens a lot) and he didn't want the shame or having to face jail time!!
Well, that about sums it up! :)
Wow!! I am So scared of going to sleep tonight, But, it was already 1 AM, and I should because I have class tomorrow!! Go ahead and tell me your A Theories! :)

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